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This is a collection of small single-purpose Lua scripts.

Feel free to include them in your own works or use them any way your like.

  • DynamicWater V1.22.lua

Marathon's media 'flows' from high elevations to low dynamically. Please see the included 'Water Buckets.sceA' map as an example. [Punch the switches]

  • ArcadeHudPrinting.lua

Minimal HUD design around the crosshair.

  • TauntingScript.lua

Press the Microphone key (default: ~) to 'taunt' with assimilated BOB chatter. This attracts the focus of nearby active enemies (and allies).

  • TeleportProjectiles.lua

Projectiles fired into a teleporter will be transported to the other side.

  • Psychokinesis.lua

Enemies within the center crosshair will take crushing damage.

Notes for version 1.0:

1.0 Initial Release

1,997 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Basic Co-op 1.2

treellama on 09/13/2020

This script adds some basic quality-of-life improvements to Marathon's default cooperative play:

  • Shares weapon and ammo pickups between players
  • Restores previous weapons and ammoes after respawning
  • Respawns players at the last pattern buffer any player activated
  • If the respawn point is under lava or goo, falls back to start of level

Select "Use Netscript" while gathering a co-op game, and choose Basic Co-op.lua as the netscript, to activate it.

Requires Aleph One 1.3

Notes for version 1.2:


  • Really fixes chip issues. Should work with original Marathon as well
  • Uses the last pattern buffer any player used as the new respawn point.
  • Falls back to start of level if the respawn point is under lava or goo

1,643 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Co-Op 2.2

irons on 08/14/2013

Screenshot titled "Simple monster info"

This Lua script introduces a number of changes and tweaks in the mechanics of co-operative games. Version 2 has a number of improvements thanks to the new Lua API found in Aleph One v0.20.

See the Readme file for a whole lot more detail.

Notes for version 2.2:

Added a few minor changes, including one that allows the script to work with the post-1.0 betas.

4,462 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Lua gametype where the faster you're moving when killing someone, the more points you are awarded.

For example, if you kill someone while standing completely still, you get one point. If kill someone while running, you get more points. If you kill someone while running and falling, you get significantly more points. If you launch yourself with a rocket and kill someone while flying through the air, you get even more points.

2,187 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating