
Tagged 'Lua'

This is a collection of small single-purpose Lua scripts.

Feel free to include them in your own works or use them any way your like.

  • DynamicWater V1.22.lua

Marathon's media 'flows' from high elevations to low dynamically. Please see the included 'Water Buckets.sceA' map as an example. [Punch the switches]

  • ArcadeHudPrinting.lua

Minimal HUD design around the crosshair.

  • TauntingScript.lua

Press the Microphone key (default: ~) to 'taunt' with assimilated BOB chatter. This attracts the focus of nearby active enemies (and allies).

  • TeleportProjectiles.lua

Projectiles fired into a teleporter will be transported to the other side.

  • Psychokinesis.lua

Enemies within the center crosshair will take crushing damage.

Notes for version 1.0:

1.0 Initial Release

1,983 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

VML Mute 1.0

Hopper on 06/11/2013

Update: this plugin and goran's Visual Mode Lua Physics are no longer necessary with Visual Mode 3.0. Use that instead!

VML Mute replaces the default monster activation and teleport sounds with silence. You will see the teleport effects, but hear only the ambient noises of the level.

2,147 downloads, 0 reviews, 0 screenshots

Avoidence 1.00001

Zott on 04/26/2013

Navigate the path without stepping off, nor letting your crosshair fall upon the many enemies about the room. The result of which would be unspeakable.

Turn on auto-center camera and turn off the overhead map display for a greater challenge. Difficult but beatable.

A provided lua script also allows crushing enemies with your mind if you are into simple pleasures like that.

Notes for version 1.00001:

Added a film showing a completed run.

Clarification in ReadMe file.

2,048 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 2.0 rating

Screenshot titled ""

The original Marathon game interface, ported to Aleph One as a Lua HUD.

Notes for version 1.0:

After three years, the first project I ever started in Aleph One is complete. Happy Bungie Day.

3,803 downloads, 7 reviews, 2 screenshots, 4.9 rating

Night Vision Lua 1.0

Zott on 08/31/2011

Screenshot titled "Useful against Wraiths"

Lua script which allows the player to turn on night vision goggles to help them see in the dark.

Use the Microphone key to toggle.

Intended for single player only, though you are free to mess with it in multiplayer if you dare.

Notes for version 1.0:

Initial Release

2,420 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.7 rating

fragments -1

Quartz on 08/29/2011

Screenshot titled ""

this is a collection of various fragments of ideas I've had. at least, the ones that were workable enough to even bother trying out, and interesting enough to bother sharing. a couple of these have been posted on the pfhorums in various threads at one time or another. none of these are full maps, and some aren't even finished. take them for what they are.

note: these have all been tested in aleph 1.0b4. some (most?) of them probably work in older versions, but I haven't bothered to go back and check.

this package contains:

  • cage
  • caustics
  • cheatastic
  • forcefield
  • hamster
  • magic carpet
  • ribs
  • starwars
  • the old factory
  • tightrope

2,164 downloads, 3 reviews, 3 screenshots, 4.7 rating

instagib 1.0

Quartz on 08/25/2011

Screenshot titled "weapon of choice"

an instagib mod, for those who are into that sort of thing. I wrote this a while ago mainly as an exercise to teach myself lua for aleph.

note: it occurs to me that people who don't play other FPSs might not know what "instagib" means, so I'll be more specific about what this script actually does:

  • players are not allowed to use weapons other than a single pistol.
  • the pistol has infinite ammo.
  • shots are an instant one-hit-kill.
  • players are not allowed to use generators or powerups.

the script also turns the secondary trigger into a zoom function, and prevents items from appearing on maps just to make things cleaner.

I also have the script prevent players from having any oxygen and therefore swimming. this is not part of a traditional instagib setup, I put it in purely because I didn't want people hiding underwater. there are alternatives, but they either involve using a physics model or a crapload of lua hackery and I wanted to keep this simple.

2,043 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Joust 5.0

irons on 02/07/2011

Screenshot titled "ACTUAL GAMEPLAY"

This is an attempt to mimic the gameplay of the old Joust arcade game. Players fly around maps and collide with each other to score kills. More detailed instructions await you in the README.

Notes for version 5.0:

This is the fifth attempt at a total Joust rewrite. Compatible with the latest version of Aleph One. Can be played on the EMFH, KOTH, and KTMWTB gametypes.

2,567 downloads, 3 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.3 rating

Cheats.lua Demo 2.2

Zaero on 12/19/2010

Screenshot titled "Goo-bye"

This is the demo of Cheats.lua script, version 2.2. The full version will (beside 2.0 features) include: -4th teleportation type: teleport to any level (you'll not loose any items you currently have!) -cheat to give yourself any number of Uplink/Repair chips -cheat to kill all the enemies of a certain class (fighter for ex.) or all enemies on the map. This will also allow you to kill allies and there'll be also a preset "class" which will allow you to finish "rescue" type missions easily. -noclip cheat -ability to choose how much ammo an ammo/weapon cheat gives you -ability to set the oxygene/life to any value -Easter Egg "W?rkncacnter mode"

Notes for version 2.2:

Those are the features available in demo: -4th teleportation type (will allow you to teleport to the first level only) -chip-cheat: confirmation massages only - to let you know it works - no chips will be added in fact -kill cheat: will kill the player

2,441 downloads, 7 reviews, 1 screenshot, 1.7 rating

Screenshot titled ""

This is a script demonstrating a simple turret AI using .lua and scenery objects. You can turn all lights, some other scenery (just look for something that could look anything at all like a turret) into turrets by pressing the action key next to them (don't worry how close you are to it in height.)

2,298 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

lolgametypes 7.2 Alpha 4 GOLD EDITION

W'rkncacnter on 09/07/2010

Screenshot titled "$lave lua"

This is a pack of 3 Lua gametypes that I created. Last Man on the Hill, Elimination and Hill Elimination. The readmes are included with each gametype, so you know the rules and how they each work.

Notes for version 7.2 Alpha 4 GOLD EDITION :

Turns out this crap wasn't on Simplici7y.

2,530 downloads, 1 review, 1 screenshot, 5.0 rating

Drone.lua 1.01

RAITHE on 08/30/2010

Screenshot titled "Drone killing BoB!"

This is a script, physics model, and shapes file that, when all are loaded, simulates being a drone (IMPORTANT: Make sure the map you are using doesn't have a physics model merged). Use the mic key (spacebar is good) to move and look up or down to change altitude. when the mic key is off, you are stationary and cannot move. Use the cycle weapons forward and backward to dodge right and left (dodging is pretty buggy at the moment, working on a solution). The more repair chips you have (uplink chips), the faster you will regenerate health. The drone bolts you fire have a homing system that homes towards the last enemy you aimed at (to turn this off, open the script and set "enabled" to "false"). I'm working on making this multiplayer, but for now that is totally a NO. KNOWN BUGS: when you land on the floor, you usually are stuck there and cannot go up again, but you can still move around on the level you are at (if you go off a ledge or go up a level (floor-wise) you'll be able to take off again).

Once I'll be satisfied with how this one turns out, I'll move on to a juggernaut one.

2,290 downloads, 1 review, 3 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Dropship.lua 1.03

RAITHE on 08/03/2010

Screenshot titled "Drones killing BoBs!"

README file: "What is one important asset to an invasion? A dropship! Invade any UNMERGED map with this script: Dropship.lua! (It won't work properly if the map is merged. If you really want to invade an merged map, you can split it using Atque). You can deploy up to 2 different types of units, which you can order to attack any enemy by 'shooting' the enemy monster (make sure you have fists out). NOTE: Your units can be distracted before they fire at their given target A dropship is also supposed to be able to fly. Press the "previous weapon" and "next weapon" buttons (for those I use Q and E since I control with WASD) to adjust the speed to reverse or forward (given in the upper left-hand corner) and the microphone button to activate the thrusters (recommended to set the caps lock key as the microphone button). Thrusters: when you have thrusters on, you are capable of flying around as you please, but you cannot use the cannon. When you have thrusters off, you are air-braked and cannot move anywhere, but you can operate the cannon and your health will charge up. NOTE: you will always know when you have the cannon as your current weapon if the weapons HUD is blank. you cannon switch from it (for whatever reason) until you activate thrusters again. To select which unit to deploy, press the toggle map button. The unit that is currently able to be deployed (by pressing the action button) is indicated on the top middle of the screen. To recall your units, press the alt-fire button. NOTE: once again, your units can be distracted by enemies before they get to you. The current cost for Hunter-Seekers is 500 credits, and 525 for the Drone Brute. You gain credits by killing enemies or from your units killing them. You cannot have more than 5000 credits. All in all, the credit system will be a bit choppy until I can figure how to fix it better.

Notes for version 1.03:

Fixed the invisible unit bug. All the troops you deploy should be visible now. The only things I will possibly work on now is the deceleration and credit flow (and more troops maybe). You guys welcome to customize the troops and change them to your own liking in the physics model. They are the minor and major ticks. I also noticed that if you launch a game twice in Aleph One with the script, the script will not work properly. I don't know why this is, but I DO know that it works just fine if you quit and reopen Aleph One. (IMPORTANT: Make sure you that your CAPS LOCK is off before the game starts.)

2,174 downloads, 5 reviews, 2 screenshots, 3.6 rating

A physics file to use together with visual mode lua. It stops the constant teleporting of enemies. It's universal and works the same on all scenarios. Enjoy a visual mode without distractions.

Notes for version 1.0:

No sounds or visual appearances are made by monsters.

No slowdowns detected on my machine (2ghz pc, 4gb ram, 256mb graphic card) when I ran through a 1024 polygon solo level and activated all monsters.

2,451 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Rugby Lua 1.2

W'rkncacnter on 11/10/2009

This is a lua script that is meant to go with the Rugby gametype for alephone. Teams are red vs blue. The objective of rugby is to take the ball into the opponent's base.

This script mostly just helps let you know what is going on during the game. If you do not have the ball, the compass will point to it. If you have the ball it will point to the enemy's base.

The script also resets the ball if it lands on an "item impassable" polygon or if no one has touched the ball in 20 seconds. If you bring the ball to your own team's goal, the opposing team will get a point.

Notes for version 1.2:

Changes in v1.2: * Fix a bug where the script will incorrectly determine that you scored a point on your own goal.

2,654 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

CTF Lua 4.0.2

W'rkncacnter on 11/04/2009

This is a lua script that enhances the CTF gametype so it doesn't suck. I wrote the original CTF script, and Irons added some cool features along the way. The readme included explains everything in detail.

Notes for version 4.0.2:

This is the same version that has been out forever. Just adding the file to Simplici7y.

2,668 downloads, 4 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.8 rating

Height as Some Feature dirac delta function

ray on 08/29/2009

Height as Some Feature is a script pack that will be released incrementally from RAY LABORATORIES.

NOTE: This script pack will only be released on forward-thinking sites like Simplici7y, not sites run by the obstructionists of the Marathon community.

Notes for version dirac delta function:

This version contains:


2,439 downloads, 5 reviews, 0 screenshots, 5.0 rating

Ghost 0.55

Vladtepes on 02/09/2009

This script adds a new network survival gametype that Marathon: the ghost hunt.

As an UESC Space Marine, you are sent to seek and kill an invisible and dangerous ghost escaped from the depth of Lh'owon. It is very quick and can jump from wall to wall and, worst of all, you are nearly out of ammo!

Notes for version 0.55:

Bug correction

2,471 downloads, 2 reviews, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating

Screenshot titled "Same color team"

Team play made easy ! This simple lua script adds a lot of options and parameters to tune your team netplay experience. It was originaly design to help people playing team deathmatch (or any other team game) by showing the teams colors on players in a more obvious way. It's now stuffed with other options !

Notes for version 0.2:

Code clean up. The color change is now optional and can be turned off by configuration edit. Added friendly fire management.

2,492 downloads, 4 reviews, 1 screenshot, 4.5 rating

Spawn Whiners 1.0

treellama on 12/05/2008

Use these scripts when people whine about spawn kills.

Spawn\_Blinking.lua: players blink for 10 seconds after spawning, or until they get a weapon, so you know who (not) to kill

Spawn\_Invincible.lua: players are invincible for 10 seconds after spawning, or until they get a weapon

Spawn\_With\_AR.lua: everyone spawns with an AR and some ammo

2,295 downloads, 1 review, 0 screenshots, 3.0 rating