Flippant Sol

5 Submissions

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To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Marathon, I present to you a fully dynamic soundtrack for Marathon 2: Durandal.

  • Dynamic placement system based on various player triggers: it knows what perils you're in...
  • The original instruments, melodies, and rhythms from the M1 soundtrack are back!
  • Blends synth jams, DnB, ambient synth, orchestral strings and percussion, rock, acoustic guitar, piano / organ solos, etc.

This soundtrack is perfect for someone who really loves the M1 soundtrack and wants more! Download it now!

Notes for version 1.2.1:

-turned off the debug text on 'All Roads'

-Tweaked and EQ'd some tracks

-Give it a listen NOW on YouTube!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3cNllPA_VY

-Now on Bandcamp!: https://solar-tron.bandcamp.com/album/marathon-2-an-original-soundtrack

-Download individual tracks: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qhr_Zvm-zzX3Ld0LtcyVOOcZV_boCKhd?usp=sharing

832 downloads, 0 reviews, 2 screenshots

Project SC-QMA 1.0

Flippant Sol on 01/29/2023

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Marathon's original QuickTime 2.x instruments, brought to modern DAWs in sample form.

Suitable for playing back Marathon MIDI files or incorporating these instruments into a new Marathon soundtrack.

Just set the user folder path of your SFZ player to the Aiffdisk and enjoy!

QuickTime Musical Instruments is property of Apple Computer, Inc. and Roland Corporation ©1994 All rights reserved. Do not use or distribute this reproduction for purposes other than Marathon-related activities. Do not sell this reproduction.

Notes for version 1.0:

ampeg_release may need to be adjusted on some of the instruments to properly recreate.

2.1 accented hi-hat sounds weird but that may just be how QuickTime processes it in a mix.

Random spikes in MIDI playback may be caused by duplicate notes.

If more instruments are needed, please contact me on Discord: @Solar-Tron #6173

839 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

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A similar scaled texture pack as "xBR Monsters for M1", but this is for M1's weapons and the algorithm is slightly different.

I would recommend leaving linear filtering on to smooth out the textures.

Notes for version 1.0:

Shouldn't be any incompatibilities with other plugins.

2,117 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

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Weapon frames from Damage Incorporated modified to fit Marathon's physics and animations.

Damage Incorporated is owned solely by Paranoid Productions. No copyright infringement was intended.

Notes for version 0.1:

-This project will grow over time to things bigger than just weapons. The biggest in scope would basically be a port of Damaged Incorporated to Aleph One (not happening in the slightest, btw). Expect updates.

-No HUD icons yet. Some weapons and items are redundant

-Just a shapes file for now, learning how to patch and plugin

2,121 downloads, 0 reviews, 1 screenshot

Screenshot titled ""

Marathon 1 monster textures at 16x the original resolution using xBR scaling. Includes marine textures and every color palette.

Credits: - General Tacticus, who helped me index M1's original shapes file - Treellama, who helped me use Aorta to remove blue from the textures - Hawkynt, who created the program that could batch upscale 2,602 textures, and - Hyllian, who created the xBR 4x scaling algorithm

Notes for version 1.3:
  • Added some missing textures
  • Reverted back to original algorithm
  • Quality-of-life improvements

3,519 downloads, 2 reviews, 7 screenshots, 5.0 rating

1 Review

  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Love it! 3D scenery for M1

Flippant Sol on Nov 19th, 2017, Version 1.2

3D in Aleph One always blows my mind because height is like a pseudo dimension where looking down literally makes everything tilt forward (I'm not kidding, that's how it works).