TTEP Updated Plugin (M1) @ 1024x1024

by Zetren

Uploaded Dec 18th, 2016 for Marathon


Plugin Version of Tim Vogel's 'Total Texture Enhancement Pack' v7 for Marathon. Updated to be compatible with Aleph One 1.2.1 and above.

The all-in-one (AOI) Marathon installer has these textures at 512x512 resolution. Install this to enjoy Marathon's textures at double that.

This folder is identical content wise to the 'TTEP v7' folder contained by default within Marathon's plugins folder, except all textures have been replaced by ones with a resolution of 1024x1024.

To install: unzip, and drop into Marathon's plugins folder, then activate it in-game.

IMPORTANT: Delete or deactivate the original "TTEP v7" folder.

Version v7.0

  • Tags: enhancement
  • 2,870 downloads of latest version

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