Marathon Music Remasterd

by herecomethej2000

Uploaded Dec 31st, 2017 for Marathon


The music that is shipped with the Marathon release is based off of the classic Quicktime synth. This is the fed through fluidsynth which utilized a modern sample set — in this case, Don Allen's Timbres of Heaven. All tracks have been normalized and made working for in-game.

To install, simply replace the Music folder within the Marathon data folder

Version 2.0

-A new attempt utilizing Timbers of Heaven 3.4 and the latest fluidsynth.

fixed missing track 14

  • Tags: music sound ogg vorbis
  • 2,570 downloads of latest version
  • 3.0 rating ( 3.20 weighted for sorting )

4 Reviews

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.

Almost prefect

lj6014 on Aug 3rd, 2018, Version 2.0

These tracks really add to the Sci Fi feel of the originals and I can see them as great music replacements for those wishing to play with updated graphics and sounds, but a few of the tracks seem to loose their subtleness such as tracks 6 & 14. Other than those nitpicks I think It's pretty dang good.

  • Currently 1/5 Stars.

Better synth, but worse overall

liacrow on Jan 9th, 2018, Version 2.0

I can see where there is potential in this - individually, each instrument sounds better. But, like all attempts at throwing newer midi at the old tracks, they aren't working well together as a whole. Unbalanced, grainy, horribly distorted, and the normalisation would be better left off- it's painful to hear instruments suddenly get louder at a quiet point in a song. I definitely prefer the originals, or better yet Craig Hardgrove's versions. That said, I'd like to hear some of these tracks if you could nix the normalisation and maybe quiet the drums.

  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Track 14.ogg forgotten?

Zetren on Feb 7th, 2016, Version 2.0

Track 14.ogg sounds WORSE after this remake. It is still in mono with a lot of grain. The rest of the tracks however are excellent.

  • Currently 4/5 Stars.


3371-Alpha on Nov 26th, 2015, Version 2.0

All of these tracks are phenomenally great remakes. My only complaint is track 06. The original of that particular track had a soothing effect that your remake just doesn't have. Regardless I think this is one of the best audio remakes I've ever heard, not just in the Marathon universe but gaming in general.

1 Screenshot