
by Quartz

Uploaded Aug 25th, 2011


an instagib mod, for those who are into that sort of thing. I wrote this a while ago mainly as an exercise to teach myself lua for aleph.

note: it occurs to me that people who don't play other FPSs might not know what "instagib" means, so I'll be more specific about what this script actually does:

  • players are not allowed to use weapons other than a single pistol.
  • the pistol has infinite ammo.
  • shots are an instant one-hit-kill.
  • players are not allowed to use generators or powerups.

the script also turns the secondary trigger into a zoom function, and prevents items from appearing on maps just to make things cleaner.

I also have the script prevent players from having any oxygen and therefore swimming. this is not part of a traditional instagib setup, I put it in purely because I didn't want people hiding underwater. there are alternatives, but they either involve using a physics model or a crapload of lua hackery and I wanted to keep this simple.

Version 1.0

  • Tags: script lua
  • 2,080 downloads of latest version

1 Screenshot

weapon of choice

Screenshot titled "weapon of choice"